Re: bugtraq mail is not going through; see this message's *headers*

Dennis Glatting (war04!
Fri, 2 Dec 94 17:27:17 -0800

> (In case this body goes through, here is what I said above in the  

> Summary: messages from bugtraq are arriving with headers but no  
> 	Have received about a dozen messages in that mode, though I
> 	have also received several whole messages during this period. 

> 	Some people have been receiving messages correctly; just
> 	because you've seen the bodies does not mean others have.  

> 	>Bela<

The problem may be the version of sendmail.  

Specifically, RFC-1123 (I think) specifies time out
values for smtp exchanges. Berkeley sendmail 8.6.9 and
some of its predecessors use the time outs specified in
the RFC. Other versions of sendmail assume there are no
time outs. Therefore, if sendmail 8.6.x is talking to an
older sendmail and a time out occurs (one host may be busy
or the transport is busy) then only part of the smtp
exchange occurs. The results I have seen are empty
message bodies and multiple messages. 

MIT has this problem.
